Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique

Rules and Code of Conduct



The Research Institute is suitable for a class size of between 20 and 40.


CEGEP or first-year university students in a social science research methods course or research-oriented course in the social sciences.


For students to play a scripted role in the inquiry-based setting of a research institute.


The Research Director invites Research Scholars from a variety of social science disciplines to produce research proposals around a complex research problem (the theme of the game).

A series of scheduled activities, including writing seminars, working groups, peer reviews and panel sessions, is held at the Research Institute.


Can be compressed into six weeks; easily extendable.


Divided into four stages – SET-UP, RESEARCH PROPOSAL ASSEMBLY, REPORT-RESPOND-REVISE AND FINALIZE – played out over a six-week period and easily adaptable to a lengthier time period. Can also be a mid-semester sequel to the Fund$ Game.

The scenario begins the moment the assignment instructions are delivered and the roles assigned. The teacher plays the part of Research Director at the fictional Research Institute. The Research Director guides the Research Scholars through the process of writing research proposals with a competitive advantage, eventually qualifying them for entry in the Collegiate Contest, the final scenario.


Inquiry-based role-play scenario. The intention is to liven up the learning environment, to make learning about the research process less of a passive endeavour and more of an immersive collegiate effort.


For college-level research methods students to experience firsthand the collegial and multidisciplinary production of social science research proposals.


Respect for the well-being and integrity of research participants and full and voluntary adherence to scientific protocol and government laws and regulations govern behaviour at all levels of research.

The Research Institute Code of Conduct is drawn up in light of these multiple scopes. Even though it is a game, the specific prescriptions in the Code are rooted in the ethical rules governing researchers.

The Code of Conduct should be followed not just as a means to be “a good sport” but as a way to “behave your way into the world of professional research.”

The multiple scopes of Research Ethics


To ensure the role-play experience is conducted in a professional manner, the players are expected to follow the Code of Conduct. Adherence to this Code of Conduct may be evaluated.

Check off items to signify your comprehension and agreement to abide by the rules that apply.

  • The participants understand that each player has specific role tasks to perform and agree not to take what is said or done in role-play as a reflection of someone’s personal views or real-life behaviour.

While role-playing, the Research Scholars agree to behave in a manner befitting scholars. This involves

  • Following protocol with regard to the ethical treatment of human subjects;
  • Practising intellectual curiosity;
  • Thinking independently;
  • Showing openness and understanding toward other perspectives;
  • Being responsive (not reactive) to criticism;
  • Passing judgment based on principles of scientific merit, accuracy and fairness in dealings;
  • Providing constructive input into the review process;
  • Crediting sources either verbally or in a written bibliographic form;
  • Avoiding or calling out scientific misconduct such as falsifying information, cheating or plagiarism;
  • Being prepared and on time;
  • Avoiding colloquial, emotional or non-academic expressions;
  • Referring to each other respectfully (e.g., “ Dr. Smith”).

While role-playing, the Research Director (teacher) agrees to behave in a manner befitting the director of a research institute. This involves

  • Holding the research scholars to account, reminding them of their rights and duties;
  • Ensuring that tasks are performed according to recognized standards;
  • Providing structure, guidance and timely feedback;
  • Encouraging fair play;
  • Addressing scientific misconduct or offenses to the code of conduct should they emerge, which could include some form of sanction (e.g., removal from panel, loss of privilege…).