Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique



  • This form is designed to prepare you for the GAME PLAY.
  • Preview the Fund$ Game material before beginning this Script Form.
  • Each Player is expected to complete a Script Form before the GAME PLAY.
  • You are not “in character” while filling out this form.
  • Much of the first half of the form should contain your own individual responses, with the obvious exception being the parts where you are creating the joint news article.
  • Fill in the fields wherever you see the empty bullet symbol :
  • Your teacher may provide more specific instructions on which fields to complete and how.
  • To print the entire content of this script at once, please click on the PRINTER icon on this page.


What is your name?


What is the name of the other journalist?


What is the assigned topic for the GAME?


Step 1


Sketch a professional character profile. Take about 15 minutes to search online for some examples of journalists and their credentials.

What would you like to imagine about your character?

  1. Age?
  2. City/town of residence…?
  3. Writes for which newspapers/magazines?
  4. Education?
  5. Years of experience
  6. Awards?

With your fellow journalist, take about 15 minutes in online searches to explore possible pen names for yourselves as well as your intended publication and article titles. You will eventually use these names and titles for the news article you will compile. View the News Article Template that you will be using. Feel free to openly discuss your considerations with your fellow journalist. You could opt to assume complementary roles or be altogether unique.

  1. Role-play pen name?
  2. Publication title?
  3. Article title?

Step 2


Review the Code of Conduct under the Rules and Code of Conduct and respond to the questions below.

Which part of the code of conduct do you think you will have no trouble adhering to?

Which part of the code of conduct do you think you may have some trouble adhering to? Why?

Step 3


You should find out about the assigned topic and the different social science disciplines that are competing for research funding.The following items should help you become more knowledgeable. Complete this as individual work.

Read the Sample Research Proposal. Briefly explain what you understand as the goal of this religious studies research team.

Read the abstracts for each of the disciplines in the Topics and Proposal Abstracts. Beside each discipline name, place a few keywords that help you to understand how that discipline conducts research.

  1. Anthropology
  2. Business
  3. Economics
  4. Geography
  5. History
  6. Philosophy
  7. Political Science
  8. Psychology
  9. Religious Studies
  10. Sociology

Which of the two disciplines do you feel are most similar? Why?


Which of the two disciplines do you feel are most dissimilar? Why?


Which of two disciplines do you feel you know the least about?


Visit the professional association website for these two disciplines. Navigate through each site for a few minutes. Eventually, jot down a few points you have learned about each discipline. (Search “Canadian” or “American” before the discipline name, followed by the word “Association,” such as “Canadian Political Science Association.”)

Consult a specialized social science encyclopedia in your college library’s e-book collection, book stacks or database. Search for an entry/article on the assigned topic. For instance, The International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences is a 26-volume specialized encyclopaedia that is available in most academic libraries. Popular encyclopaedias such as Britannica or Wikipedia are inappropriate choices. You may require your assistance from your teacher or librarian for this item. 
Take note of the following:

  1. Title of encyclopaedia (publication title)
  2. Editor(s)
  3. Title of entry in encyclopaedia
  4. Author(s) (usually found at beginning or at end of specific article/entry)
  5. Volume number (where applicable)
  6. Page numbers
  7. List three elements of the entry that help you to understand the topic:
  8. Find an excerpt that helps you to understand the assigned topic. Place the quote here :






Page location

Step 4


Read the Sample News Report. After carefully reading the Sample News Report, address the following questions: 

How is the information structured? (chronologically, thematically?)

What kinds of information are featured? (maps, quotes from famous people, funding figures, trends, reactions from…)?

Find two newspaper or magazine articles that have covered research funding issues or events. For each article, identify the following:


Article title

Publication title

Author (s)

Publication date

Page #


What can be learned from this article and applied towards the writing of your own article?



Article title

Publication title

Author (s)

Publication date

Page #


What can be learned from this article and applied towards the writing of your own article?

Step 5


Consult research granting organizations online for insight into issues from within the research granting community. The official website of the Social Science and Humantities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) is a great place to start investigating. List a few of your discoveries here:


Track down some recent statistics or expert testimony about social science research. Place a few statistics here (add URL for each source of information).


Step 6


On your own, compose three potential questions for the Q & A period during the GAME PLAY. Try to ask questions to all types of players: judges, general public and researchers.


Step 7


Journalists are known for keeping detailed records of their inquiries. During the GAME PLAY, take copious notes about what is happening, who is saying what and how; consider taking photographs.

The news article requires accurate accounts of the funding allocations, the presentations and the reactions and discussions that take place. Bring a notepad or a laptop with you to the session.

Please confer with the teacher first about the logistics of using a laptop or taking photographs during the GAME PLAY.

Step 8


The news article should be composed shortly after the GAME PLAY and completed as specified by your teacher. It can include photographic images as long as you received permission from the players and as long as the distribution of the article is limited to the students in the class. The word count should be between 350-500 words. You can use the suggestions in this template to compose the article.

News Article Template

News Article Template

Step 9

Write reflection

Step 10


  • Complete the required post-game work and submit as per teacher instructions.

Journalist Sample Materials

Sample News Report

Sample News Report