Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique

Secretariat Staff

The Secretariat Staff for the Collegiate Contest is in charge of general administrative functions related to official website communications and postings about the Contest winners. They provide web exposure to exceptional scientific work at the CEGEP level.

We recommend that Lead Research Directors get in touch with the Communications or Public Affairs department of your College to plan with them the announcement of the winners, and show them the Collegiate Contest materials to explain them the scenario.

Possible conduits for publication of winners may include:

  • College newspaper or newsletter
  • Graduation ceremonies
  • Student engagement awards ceremony
  • Social media
  • Posters or billboards inside College
  • Social sciences forum

If you would like to feature winning proposals on the TRC website, please get in touch with the CCDMD at soutien@ccdmd.qc.ca.